1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245
//! Provides high-level access to database whole-chain:
//! - history trees
//! - chain value pools
//! This module makes sure that:
//! - all disk writes happen inside a RocksDB transaction, and
//! - format-specific invariants are maintained.
//! # Correctness
//! [`crate::constants::state_database_format_version_in_code()`] must be incremented
//! each time the database format (column, serialization, etc) changes.
use std::{
collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap},
use zebra_chain::{
amount::NonNegative, block::Height, history_tree::HistoryTree, transparent,
use crate::{
disk_format::{chain::HistoryTreeParts, RawBytes},
/// The name of the History Tree column family.
/// This constant should be used so the compiler can detect typos.
pub const HISTORY_TREE: &str = "history_tree";
/// The type for reading history trees from the database.
/// This constant should be used so the compiler can detect incorrectly typed accesses to the
/// column family.
pub type HistoryTreePartsCf<'cf> = TypedColumnFamily<'cf, (), HistoryTreeParts>;
/// The legacy (1.3.0 and earlier) type for reading history trees from the database.
/// This type should not be used in new code.
pub type LegacyHistoryTreePartsCf<'cf> = TypedColumnFamily<'cf, Height, HistoryTreeParts>;
/// A generic raw key type for reading history trees from the database, regardless of the database version.
/// This type should not be used in new code.
pub type RawHistoryTreePartsCf<'cf> = TypedColumnFamily<'cf, RawBytes, HistoryTreeParts>;
/// The name of the chain value pools column family.
/// This constant should be used so the compiler can detect typos.
pub const CHAIN_VALUE_POOLS: &str = "tip_chain_value_pool";
/// The type for reading value pools from the database.
/// This constant should be used so the compiler can detect incorrectly typed accesses to the
/// column family.
pub type ChainValuePoolsCf<'cf> = TypedColumnFamily<'cf, (), ValueBalance<NonNegative>>;
impl ZebraDb {
// Column family convenience methods
/// Returns a typed handle to the `history_tree` column family.
pub(crate) fn history_tree_cf(&self) -> HistoryTreePartsCf {
HistoryTreePartsCf::new(&self.db, HISTORY_TREE)
.expect("column family was created when database was created")
/// Returns a legacy typed handle to the `history_tree` column family.
/// This should not be used in new code.
pub(crate) fn legacy_history_tree_cf(&self) -> LegacyHistoryTreePartsCf {
LegacyHistoryTreePartsCf::new(&self.db, HISTORY_TREE)
.expect("column family was created when database was created")
/// Returns a generic raw key typed handle to the `history_tree` column family.
/// This should not be used in new code.
pub(crate) fn raw_history_tree_cf(&self) -> RawHistoryTreePartsCf {
RawHistoryTreePartsCf::new(&self.db, HISTORY_TREE)
.expect("column family was created when database was created")
/// Returns a typed handle to the chain value pools column family.
pub(crate) fn chain_value_pools_cf(&self) -> ChainValuePoolsCf {
ChainValuePoolsCf::new(&self.db, CHAIN_VALUE_POOLS)
.expect("column family was created when database was created")
// History tree methods
/// Returns the ZIP-221 history tree of the finalized tip.
/// If history trees have not been activated yet (pre-Heartwood), or the state is empty,
/// returns an empty history tree.
pub fn history_tree(&self) -> Arc<HistoryTree> {
let history_tree_cf = self.history_tree_cf();
// # Backwards Compatibility
// This code can read the column family format in 1.2.0 and earlier (tip height key),
// and after PR #7392 is merged (empty key). The height-based code can be removed when
// versions 1.2.0 and earlier are no longer supported.
// # Concurrency
// There is only one entry in this column family, which is atomically updated by a block
// write batch (database transaction). If we used a height as the key in this column family,
// any updates between reading the tip height and reading the tree could cause panics.
// So we use the empty key `()`. Since the key has a constant value, we will always read
// the latest tree.
let mut history_tree_parts = history_tree_cf.zs_get(&());
if history_tree_parts.is_none() {
let legacy_history_tree_cf = self.legacy_history_tree_cf();
// In Zebra 1.4.0 and later, we only update the history tip tree when it has changed (for every block after heartwood).
// But we write with a `()` key, not a height key.
// So we need to look for the most recent update height if the `()` key has never been written.
history_tree_parts = legacy_history_tree_cf
.map(|(_height_key, tree_value)| tree_value);
let history_tree = history_tree_parts.map(|parts| {
"deserialization format should match the serialization format used by IntoDisk",
/// Returns all the history tip trees.
/// We only store the history tree for the tip, so this method is only used in tests and
/// upgrades.
pub(crate) fn history_trees_full_tip(&self) -> BTreeMap<RawBytes, Arc<HistoryTree>> {
let raw_history_tree_cf = self.raw_history_tree_cf();
.map(|(raw_key, history_tree_parts)| {
let history_tree = history_tree_parts.with_network(&self.db.network()).expect(
"deserialization format should match the serialization format used by IntoDisk",
(raw_key, Arc::new(HistoryTree::from(history_tree)))
// Value pool methods
/// Returns the stored `ValueBalance` for the best chain at the finalized tip height.
pub fn finalized_value_pool(&self) -> ValueBalance<NonNegative> {
let chain_value_pools_cf = self.chain_value_pools_cf();
impl DiskWriteBatch {
// History tree methods
/// Updates the history tree for the tip, if it is not empty.
/// The batch must be written to the database by the caller.
pub fn update_history_tree(&mut self, db: &ZebraDb, tree: &HistoryTree) {
let history_tree_cf = db.history_tree_cf().with_batch_for_writing(self);
if let Some(tree) = tree.as_ref() {
// The batch is modified by this method and written by the caller.
let _ = history_tree_cf.zs_insert(&(), &HistoryTreeParts::from(tree));
/// Legacy method: Deletes the range of history trees at the given [`Height`]s.
/// Doesn't delete the upper bound.
/// From state format 25.3.0 onwards, the history trees are indexed by an empty key,
/// so this method does nothing.
/// The batch must be written to the database by the caller.
pub fn delete_range_history_tree(
&mut self,
db: &ZebraDb,
from: &Height,
until_strictly_before: &Height,
) {
let history_tree_cf = db.legacy_history_tree_cf().with_batch_for_writing(self);
// The batch is modified by this method and written by the caller.
// TODO: convert zs_delete_range() to take std::ops::RangeBounds
let _ = history_tree_cf.zs_delete_range(from, until_strictly_before);
// Value pool methods
/// Prepares a database batch containing the chain value pool update from `finalized.block`, and
/// returns it without actually writing anything.
/// The batch is modified by this method and written by the caller. The caller should not write
/// the batch if this method returns an error.
/// The parameter `utxos_spent_by_block` must contain the [`transparent::Utxo`]s of every input
/// in this block, including UTXOs created by earlier transactions in this block.
/// Note that the chain value pool has the opposite sign to the transaction value pool. See the
/// [`chain_value_pool_change`] and [`add_chain_value_pool_change`] methods for more details.
/// # Errors
/// - Propagates any errors from updating value pools
/// [`chain_value_pool_change`]: zebra_chain::block::Block::chain_value_pool_change
/// [`add_chain_value_pool_change`]: ValueBalance::add_chain_value_pool_change
pub fn prepare_chain_value_pools_batch(
&mut self,
db: &ZebraDb,
finalized: &FinalizedBlock,
utxos_spent_by_block: HashMap<transparent::OutPoint, transparent::Utxo>,
value_pool: ValueBalance<NonNegative>,
) -> Result<(), BoxError> {
let _ = db