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//! Services that are busy or newly created.
//! The [`UnreadyService`] implementation is adapted from the one in [tower::Balance][tower-balance].
//! [tower-balance]: https://github.com/tower-rs/tower/tree/master/tower/src/balance
use std::{
task::{Context, Poll},
use futures::{channel::oneshot, ready};
use tower::Service;
use crate::peer_set::set::CancelClientWork;
mod tests;
/// A Future that becomes satisfied when an `S`-typed service is ready.
/// May fail due to cancellation, i.e. if the service is removed from discovery.
pub(super) struct UnreadyService<K, S, Req> {
/// The key used to lookup `service`.
pub(super) key: Option<K>,
/// A oneshot used to cancel the request the `service` is currently working on, if any.
pub(super) cancel: oneshot::Receiver<CancelClientWork>,
/// The `service` that is busy (or newly created).
pub(super) service: Option<S>,
/// Dropping `service` might drop a request.
/// This [`PhantomData`] tells the Rust compiler to do a drop check for `Req`.
pub(super) _req: PhantomData<Req>,
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub(super) enum Error<E> {
impl<K, S: Service<Req>, Req> Future for UnreadyService<K, S, Req> {
type Output = Result<(K, S), (K, Error<S::Error>)>;
fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
let this = self.project();
if let Poll::Ready(oneshot_result) = this.cancel.poll(cx) {
let key = this.key.take().expect("polled after ready");
// # Correctness
// Return an error if the service is explicitly canceled,
// or its cancel handle is dropped, implicitly cancelling it.
match oneshot_result {
Ok(CancelClientWork) => return Poll::Ready(Err((key, Error::Canceled))),
Err(canceled_error) => {
return Poll::Ready(Err((key, Error::CancelHandleDropped(canceled_error))))
// # Correctness
// The current task must be scheduled for wakeup every time we return
// `Poll::Pending`.
//`ready!` returns `Poll::Pending` when the service is unready, and
// the inner `poll_ready` schedules this task for wakeup.
// `cancel.poll` also schedules this task for wakeup if it is canceled.
let res = ready!(this
.expect("polled after ready")
let key = this.key.take().expect("polled after ready");
let svc = this.service.take().expect("polled after ready");
match res {
Ok(()) => Poll::Ready(Ok((key, svc))),
Err(e) => Poll::Ready(Err((key, Error::Inner(e)))),