//! Zcash node address types and serialization for Zcash network messages.
//! Zcash has 3 different node address formats:
//! - `AddrV1`: the format used in `addr` (v1) messages,
//! - [`AddrInVersion`]: the format used in `version` messages, and
//! - `AddrV2`: the format used in `addrv2` messages.
pub mod canonical;
pub mod in_version;
pub(crate) mod v1;
pub(crate) mod v2;
pub use canonical::{canonical_peer_addr, canonical_socket_addr};
pub use in_version::AddrInVersion;
// These types and functions should only be visible in the `external` module,
// so that they don't leak outside the serialization code.
pub(super) use v1::AddrV1;
pub(super) use v2::AddrV2;
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "proptest-impl"))]
pub(super) use v1::{ipv6_mapped_ip_addr, ADDR_V1_SIZE};
// TODO: write tests for addrv2 deserialization
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "proptest-impl"))]
pub(super) use v2::ADDR_V2_MIN_SIZE;