//! block-template-to-proposal arguments
//! For usage please refer to the program help: `block-template-to-proposal --help`
use structopt::StructOpt;
use zebra_rpc::methods::get_block_template_rpcs::get_block_template::proposal::TimeSource;
/// block-template-to-proposal arguments
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, StructOpt)]
pub struct Args {
/// The source of the time in the block proposal header.
/// Format: "curtime", "mintime", "maxtime", ["clamped"]u32, "raw"u32
/// Clamped times are clamped to the template's [`mintime`, `maxtime`].
/// Raw times are used unmodified: this can produce invalid proposals.
#[structopt(default_value = "CurTime", short, long)]
pub time_source: TimeSource,
/// The JSON block template.
/// If this argument is not supplied, the template is read from standard input.
/// The template and proposal structures are printed to stderr.
#[structopt(last = true)]
pub template: Option<String>,