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use indexmap::IndexMap;
mod tests;
/// Helper type to keep track of arguments for spawning a process.
/// Stores the arguments in order, but is aware of key-value pairs to make overriding parameters
/// more predictable.
/// # Notes
/// Repeated arguments are not supported.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Arguments(IndexMap<String, Option<String>>);
impl Arguments {
/// Creates a new empty list of arguments.
pub fn new() -> Self {
/// Sets a lone `argument`.
/// If the argument is already in the list, nothing happens.
/// If there's a key-value pair where the key is identical to the `argument`, the value of the
/// pair is removed and the key maintains its position.
pub fn set_argument(&mut self, argument: impl Into<String>) {
self.0.insert(argument.into(), None);
/// Sets a key-value pair.
/// If there is already a pair in the list with the same `parameter` key, the existing pair
/// keeps its position but the value is updated.
/// If there is a lone argument that is identical to the `parameter` key, the value is inserted
/// after it.
pub fn set_parameter(&mut self, parameter: impl Into<String>, value: impl Into<String>) {
self.0.insert(parameter.into(), Some(value.into()));
/// Merges two argument lists.
/// Existing pairs have their values updated if needed, and new pairs and arguments are
/// appended to the end of this list.
pub fn merge_with(&mut self, extra_arguments: Arguments) {
for (key, value) in extra_arguments.0 {
self.0.insert(key, value);
/// Converts this [`Arguments`] instance into a list of strings that can be passed when
/// spawning a process.
pub fn into_arguments(self) -> impl Iterator<Item = String> {
.flat_map(|(key, value)| Some(key).into_iter().chain(value))
/// Helper macro to create a list of arguments in an [`Arguments`] instance.
/// Accepts items separated by commas, where an item is either:
/// - a lone argument obtained from an expression
/// - a key-value pair in the form `"key": value_expression`
/// The items are added to a new [`Arguments`] instance in order.
/// # Implementation details
/// This macro is called recursively, and can run into a macro recursion limit if the list of items
/// is very long.
/// The first step of the macro is to create a new scope with an `args` binding to a new empty
/// `Arguments` list. That binding is returned from the scope, so the macro's generated code is an
/// expression that creates the argument list. Once the scope is created, a `@started` tag is
/// prefixed to the recursive calls, which then individually add each item.
macro_rules! args {
// Either an empty macro call or the end of items in a list.
( @started $args:ident $(,)* ) => {};
// Handling the last (or sole) item in a list, if it's a key-value pair.
@started $args:ident
$parameter:tt : $argument:expr $(,)*
) => {
$args.set_parameter($parameter, $argument);
// Handling the last (or sole) item in a list, if it's a lone argument.
@started $args:ident
$argument:expr $(,)*
) => {
// Handling the next item in a list, if it's a key-value pair argument.
@started $args:ident
$parameter:tt : $argument:expr
, $( $remaining_arguments:tt )+
) => {
$args.set_parameter($parameter, $argument);
args!(@started $args $( $remaining_arguments )*)
// Handling the next item in a list, if it's a lone argument.
@started $args:ident
, $( $remaining_arguments:tt )*
) => {
args!(@started $args $( $remaining_arguments )*)
// Start of the macro, create a scope to return an `args` binding, and populate it with a
// recursive call to this macro. A `@started` tag is used to indicate that the scope has been
// set up.
( $( $arguments:tt )* ) => {
let mut args = $crate::command::Arguments::new();
args!(@started args $( $arguments )*);