1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245
//! An implementation of the [ZIP-317] fee calculations for [UnminedTx]s:
//! - [conventional fee](https://zips.z.cash/zip-0317#fee-calculation)
//! - [block production transaction weight](https://zips.z.cash/zip-0317#block-production)
use std::cmp::max;
use num_integer::div_ceil;
use thiserror::Error;
use crate::{
amount::{Amount, NonNegative},
transaction::{Transaction, UnminedTx},
mod tests;
/// The marginal fee for the ZIP-317 fee calculation, in zatoshis per logical action.
// TODO: allow Amount<NonNegative> in constants
const MARGINAL_FEE: u64 = 5_000;
/// The number of grace logical actions allowed by the ZIP-317 fee calculation.
const GRACE_ACTIONS: u32 = 2;
/// The standard size of p2pkh inputs for the ZIP-317 fee calculation, in bytes.
const P2PKH_STANDARD_INPUT_SIZE: usize = 150;
/// The standard size of p2pkh outputs for the ZIP-317 fee calculation, in bytes.
const P2PKH_STANDARD_OUTPUT_SIZE: usize = 34;
/// The recommended weight ratio cap for ZIP-317 block production.
/// `weight_ratio_cap` in ZIP-317.
/// The minimum fee for the block production weight ratio calculation, in zatoshis.
/// If a transaction has a lower fee, this value is used instead.
/// This avoids special handling for transactions with zero weight.
/// If a tx has more than `BLOCK_UNPAID_ACTION_LIMIT` "unpaid actions", it will never be mined by
/// the [_Recommended algorithm for block template construction_][alg-def], implemented in Zebra
/// [here][alg-impl].
/// [alg-def]: https://zips.z.cash/zip-0317#recommended-algorithm-for-block-template-construction
/// [alg-impl]: https://github.com/zcashfoundation/zebra/blob/95e4d0973caac075b47589f6a05f9d744acd3db3/zebra-rpc/src/methods/get_block_template_rpcs/zip317.rs#L39
pub const BLOCK_UNPAID_ACTION_LIMIT: u32 = 0;
/// The minimum fee per kilobyte for Zebra mempool transactions.
/// Also used as the minimum fee for a mempool transaction.
/// Based on `DEFAULT_MIN_RELAY_TX_FEE` in `zcashd`:
/// <https://github.com/zcash/zcash/blob/f512291ff20098291442e83713de89bcddc07546/src/main.h#L71-L72>
/// This is a `usize` to simplify transaction size-based calculation code.
pub const MIN_MEMPOOL_TX_FEE_RATE: usize = 100;
/// The fee cap for [`MIN_MEMPOOL_TX_FEE_RATE`] minimum required mempool fees.
/// Based on `LEGACY_DEFAULT_FEE` in `zcashd`:
/// <https://github.com/zcash/zcash/blob/9e856cfc5b81aa2607a16a23ff5584ea10014de6/src/amount.h#L35-L36>
/// This is a `usize` to simplify transaction size-based calculation code.
pub const MEMPOOL_TX_FEE_REQUIREMENT_CAP: usize = 1000;
/// Returns the conventional fee for `transaction`, as defined by [ZIP-317].
/// [ZIP-317]: https://zips.z.cash/zip-0317#fee-calculation
pub fn conventional_fee(transaction: &Transaction) -> Amount<NonNegative> {
// zcash_primitives checks for non-p2pkh inputs, but Zebra doesn't.
// Conventional fees are only used in the standard rules for mempool eviction
// and block production, so these implementations are compatible.
// <https://github.com/zcash/librustzcash/blob/main/zcash_primitives/src/transaction/fees/zip317.rs#L135>
let marginal_fee: Amount<NonNegative> = MARGINAL_FEE.try_into().expect("fits in amount");
// marginal_fee * max(logical_actions, GRACE_ACTIONS)
let conventional_fee = marginal_fee * conventional_actions(transaction).into();
conventional_fee.expect("conventional fee is positive and limited by serialized size limit")
/// Returns the number of unpaid actions for `transaction`, as defined by [ZIP-317].
/// [ZIP-317]: https://zips.z.cash/zip-0317#block-production
pub fn unpaid_actions(transaction: &UnminedTx, miner_fee: Amount<NonNegative>) -> u32 {
// max(logical_actions, GRACE_ACTIONS)
let conventional_actions = conventional_actions(&transaction.transaction);
// floor(tx.fee / marginal_fee)
let marginal_fee_weight_ratio = miner_fee / MARGINAL_FEE;
let marginal_fee_weight_ratio: i64 = marginal_fee_weight_ratio
.expect("marginal fee is not zero")
// max(0, conventional_actions - marginal_fee_weight_ratio)
// Subtracting MAX_MONEY/5000 from a u32 can't go above i64::MAX.
let unpaid_actions = i64::from(conventional_actions) - marginal_fee_weight_ratio;
/// Returns the block production fee weight ratio for `transaction`, as defined by [ZIP-317].
/// This calculation will always return a positive, non-zero value.
/// [ZIP-317]: https://zips.z.cash/zip-0317#block-production
pub fn conventional_fee_weight_ratio(
transaction: &UnminedTx,
miner_fee: Amount<NonNegative>,
) -> f32 {
// Check that this function will always return a positive, non-zero value.
// The maximum number of logical actions in a block is actually
// the minimum transparent output size, but future transaction versions could change this.
"invalid block production constants: the minimum fee ratio must not be zero"
let miner_fee = max(miner_fee.into(), MIN_BLOCK_PRODUCTION_SUBSTITUTE_FEE) as f32;
let conventional_fee = i64::from(transaction.conventional_fee) as f32;
let uncapped_weight = miner_fee / conventional_fee;
/// Returns the conventional actions for `transaction`, `max(logical_actions, GRACE_ACTIONS)`,
/// as defined by [ZIP-317].
/// [ZIP-317]: https://zips.z.cash/zip-0317#fee-calculation
pub fn conventional_actions(transaction: &Transaction) -> u32 {
let tx_in_total_size: usize = transaction
.map(|input| input.zcash_serialized_size())
let tx_out_total_size: usize = transaction
.map(|output| output.zcash_serialized_size())
let n_join_split = transaction.joinsplit_count();
let n_spends_sapling = transaction.sapling_spends_per_anchor().count();
let n_outputs_sapling = transaction.sapling_outputs().count();
let n_actions_orchard = transaction.orchard_actions().count();
let tx_in_logical_actions = div_ceil(tx_in_total_size, P2PKH_STANDARD_INPUT_SIZE);
let tx_out_logical_actions = div_ceil(tx_out_total_size, P2PKH_STANDARD_OUTPUT_SIZE);
let logical_actions = max(tx_in_logical_actions, tx_out_logical_actions)
+ 2 * n_join_split
+ max(n_spends_sapling, n_outputs_sapling)
+ n_actions_orchard;
let logical_actions: u32 = logical_actions
.expect("transaction items are limited by serialized size limit");
max(GRACE_ACTIONS, logical_actions)
/// Make ZIP-317 checks before inserting a transaction into the mempool.
pub fn mempool_checks(
unpaid_actions: u32,
miner_fee: Amount<NonNegative>,
transaction_size: usize,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
// # Standard Rule
// > If a transaction has more than `block_unpaid_action_limit` "unpaid actions" as defined by the
// > Recommended algorithm for block template construction, it will never be mined by that algorithm.
// > Nodes MAY drop these transactions.
// <https://zips.z.cash/zip-0317#transaction-relaying>
if unpaid_actions > BLOCK_UNPAID_ACTION_LIMIT {
return Err(Error::UnpaidActions);
// # Standard Rule
// > Nodes that normally relay transactions are expected to do so for transactions that pay at least the
// > conventional fee as specified in this ZIP.
// <https://zips.z.cash/zip-0317#transaction-relaying>
// In Zebra, we use a similar minimum fee rate to `zcashd` v5.5.0 and later.
// Transactions must pay a fee of at least 100 zatoshis per 1000 bytes of serialized size,
// with a maximum fee of 1000 zatoshis.
// <https://github.com/zcash/zcash/blob/9e856cfc5b81aa2607a16a23ff5584ea10014de6/src/amount.cpp#L24-L37>
// <https://github.com/zcash/zcash/blob/f512291ff20098291442e83713de89bcddc07546/src/main.h#L71-L72>
// <https://github.com/zcash/zcash/blob/9e856cfc5b81aa2607a16a23ff5584ea10014de6/src/amount.h#L35-L36>
// ## Note
// If the check above for the maximum number of unpaid actions passes with
// [`BLOCK_UNPAID_ACTION_LIMIT`] set to zero, then there is no way for the legacy check below to
// fail. This renders the legacy check redundant in that case.
const KILOBYTE: usize = 1000;
// This calculation can't overflow, because transactions are limited to 2 MB,
// and usize is at least 4 GB.
< usize::MAX / usize::try_from(MAX_BLOCK_BYTES).expect("constant fits in usize"),
"the fee rate multiplication must never overflow",
let min_fee = (MIN_MEMPOOL_TX_FEE_RATE * transaction_size / KILOBYTE)
let min_fee: u64 = min_fee
.expect("clamped value always fits in u64");
let min_fee: Amount<NonNegative> = min_fee.try_into().expect("clamped value is positive");
if miner_fee < min_fee {
return Err(Error::FeeBelowMinimumRate);
/// Errors related to ZIP-317.
#[derive(Error, Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Error {
#[error("Unpaid actions is higher than the limit")]
#[error("Transaction fee is below the minimum fee rate")]