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//! The Zebra mempool.
//! A service that manages known unmined Zcash transactions.
use std::collections::HashSet;
use tokio::sync::oneshot;
use zebra_chain::{
transaction::{self, UnminedTx, UnminedTxId, VerifiedUnminedTx},
use crate::BoxError;
mod gossip;
mod transaction_dependencies;
pub use self::{gossip::Gossip, transaction_dependencies::TransactionDependencies};
/// A mempool service request.
/// Requests can query the current set of mempool transactions,
/// queue transactions to be downloaded and verified, or
/// run the mempool to check for newly verified transactions.
/// Requests can't modify the mempool directly,
/// because all mempool transactions must be verified.
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum Request {
/// Query all [`UnminedTxId`]s in the mempool.
/// Query matching [`UnminedTx`] in the mempool,
/// using a unique set of [`UnminedTxId`]s.
/// Query matching [`UnminedTx`] in the mempool,
/// using a unique set of [`transaction::Hash`]es. Pre-V5 transactions are matched
/// directly; V5 transaction are matched just by the Hash, disregarding
/// the [`AuthDigest`](zebra_chain::transaction::AuthDigest).
/// Request a [`transparent::Output`] identified by the given [`OutPoint`](transparent::OutPoint),
/// waiting until it becomes available if it is unknown.
/// This request is purely informational, and there are no guarantees about
/// whether the UTXO remains unspent or is on the best chain, or any chain.
/// Its purpose is to allow orphaned mempool transaction verification.
/// # Correctness
/// Output requests should be wrapped in a timeout, so that
/// out-of-order and invalid requests do not hang indefinitely.
/// Outdated requests are pruned on a regular basis.
/// Request a [`VerifiedUnminedTx`] and its dependencies by its mined id.
/// Get all the [`VerifiedUnminedTx`] in the mempool.
/// Equivalent to `TransactionsById(TransactionIds)`,
/// but each transaction also includes the `miner_fee` and `legacy_sigop_count` fields.
// TODO: make the Transactions response return VerifiedUnminedTx,
// and remove the FullTransactions variant
#[cfg(feature = "getblocktemplate-rpcs")]
/// Query matching cached rejected transaction IDs in the mempool,
/// using a unique set of [`UnminedTxId`]s.
/// Queue a list of gossiped transactions or transaction IDs, or
/// crawled transaction IDs.
/// The transaction downloader checks for duplicates across IDs and transactions.
/// Check for newly verified transactions.
/// The transaction downloader does not push transactions into the mempool.
/// So a task should send this request regularly (every 5-10 seconds).
/// These checks also happen for other request variants,
/// but we can't rely on peers to send queries regularly,
/// and crawler queue requests depend on peer responses.
/// Also, crawler requests aren't frequent enough for transaction propagation.
/// # Correctness
/// This request is required to avoid hangs in the mempool.
/// The queue checker task can't call `poll_ready` directly on the mempool
/// service, because the service is wrapped in a `Buffer`. Calling
/// `Buffer::poll_ready` reserves a buffer slot, which can cause hangs
/// when too many slots are reserved but unused:
/// <https://docs.rs/tower/0.4.10/tower/buffer/struct.Buffer.html#a-note-on-choosing-a-bound>
/// A response to a mempool service request.
/// Responses can read the current set of mempool transactions,
/// check the queued status of transactions to be downloaded and verified, or
/// confirm that the mempool has been checked for newly verified transactions.
pub enum Response {
/// Returns all [`UnminedTxId`]s from the mempool.
/// Returns matching [`UnminedTx`] from the mempool.
/// Since the [`Request::TransactionsById`] request is unique,
/// the response transactions are also unique. The same applies to
/// [`Request::TransactionsByMinedId`] requests, since the mempool does not allow
/// different transactions with different mined IDs.
/// Response to [`Request::AwaitOutput`] with the transparent output
/// Response to [`Request::TransactionWithDepsByMinedId`].
TransactionWithDeps {
/// The queried transaction
transaction: VerifiedUnminedTx,
/// A list of dependencies of the queried transaction.
dependencies: HashSet<transaction::Hash>,
/// Returns all [`VerifiedUnminedTx`] in the mempool.
// TODO: make the Transactions response return VerifiedUnminedTx,
// and remove the FullTransactions variant
#[cfg(feature = "getblocktemplate-rpcs")]
FullTransactions {
/// All [`VerifiedUnminedTx`]s in the mempool
transactions: Vec<VerifiedUnminedTx>,
/// All transaction dependencies in the mempool
transaction_dependencies: TransactionDependencies,
/// Last seen chain tip hash by mempool service
last_seen_tip_hash: zebra_chain::block::Hash,
/// Returns matching cached rejected [`UnminedTxId`]s from the mempool,
/// Returns a list of initial queue checks results and a oneshot receiver
/// for awaiting download and/or verification results.
/// Each result matches the request at the corresponding vector index.
Queued(Vec<Result<oneshot::Receiver<Result<(), BoxError>>, BoxError>>),
/// Confirms that the mempool has checked for recently verified transactions.