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//! Sprout notes
mod ciphertexts;
mod mac;
mod nullifiers;
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "proptest-impl"))]
mod arbitrary;
use crate::{
amount::{Amount, NonNegative},
use super::{commitment::CommitmentRandomness, keys::PayingKey};
pub use mac::Mac;
pub use ciphertexts::EncryptedNote;
pub use nullifiers::{Nullifier, NullifierSeed};
/// A Note represents that a value is spendable by the recipient who
/// holds the spending key corresponding to a given shielded payment
/// address.
/// <https://zips.z.cash/protocol/protocol.pdf#notes>
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
any(test, feature = "proptest-impl"),
pub struct Note {
/// The paying key of the recipient's shielded payment address
pub paying_key: PayingKey,
/// An integer representing the value of the note in zatoshi (1 ZEC
/// = 10^8 zatoshi)
pub value: Amount<NonNegative>,
/// Input to PRF^nf to derive the nullifier of the note
pub rho: NullifierSeed,
/// A random commitment trapdoor
pub rcm: CommitmentRandomness,
/// The note memo, after decryption
pub memo: Memo,