
Module connection

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Zebra’s per-peer connection state machine.

Maps the external Zcash/Bitcoin protocol to Zebra’s internal request/response protocol.

This module contains a lot of undocumented state, assumptions and invariants. And it’s unclear if these assumptions match the zcashd implementation. It should be refactored into a cleaner set of request/response pairs (#1515).


  • peer_tx 🔒
    The peer message sender channel.


  • The channels, services, and associated state for a peer connection.



  • Map a list of inventory hashes to the corresponding block hashes. Non-block inventory hashes are skipped.
  • Returns the probability of dropping a connection where the last overload was at prev, and the current overload is now.
  • Map a list of inventory hashes to the corresponding unmined transaction IDs. Non-transaction inventory hashes are skipped.