Trait zebra_test::service_extensions::IsReady

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pub trait IsReady<Request>: Service<Request> {
    // Required methods
    fn is_ready(&mut self) -> BoxFuture<'_, bool>;
    fn is_pending(&mut self) -> BoxFuture<'_, bool>;
    fn is_failed(&mut self) -> BoxFuture<'_, bool>;
Expand description

An extension trait to check if a [Service] is immediately ready to be called.

Required Methods§


fn is_ready(&mut self) -> BoxFuture<'_, bool>

Poll the [Service] once, and return true if it is immediately ready to be called.


fn is_pending(&mut self) -> BoxFuture<'_, bool>

Poll the [Service] once, and return true if it is pending.


fn is_failed(&mut self) -> BoxFuture<'_, bool>

Poll the [Service] once, and return true if it has failed.



impl<S, Request> IsReady<Request> for S
where S: Service<Request> + Send, Request: 'static,