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Sapling key types.
Unused key types are not implemented, see PR #5476.
“The spend authorizing key ask, proof authorizing key (ak, nsk), full viewing key (ak, nk, ovk), incoming viewing key ivk, and each diversified payment address addr_d = (d, pk_d ) are derived from sk, as described in Sapling Key Components.” - §3.1
- A Diversifier, as described in protocol specification §4.2.2.
- An ephemeral public key for Sapling key agreement.
- A (diversified) TransmissionKey
- A randomized validating key that should be used to validate
- The Randomness Beacon (“URS”).
- Used to derive a diversified base point from a diversifier value.
- FindGroupHash for JubJub, from zcash_primitives
- GroupHash into Jubjub, aka GroupHash_URS